Monday, April 30, 2007

Summer in the city...

City. Yeah, I use that term extremely loosely since my town is barely tipping an 11,000 count population.
The weather over the last several days has been amazing. Warm breezes, bright sun. The smell of scorched asphalt and hot tires. How can anyone breathe in freshly clipped grass and spring flowers and not be transported back to childhood? I step outside and I'm suddenly 12 playing in the pool with my friends. Or I'm 17 driving to the river where we sit on the bank and drink wine coolers we somehow managed to get our hands on. Slightly buzzed, slightly sunburned and more than slightly happy, we wade out and laughingly fall on the slippery rocks, and inevitably lose a flip-flop in the fast current. Every day was filled with possibility.
Summer is a little different now. For me it involves trips to the zoo, and taking the boys to kid day at the fair in July. The fair used to be the coolest thing ever. We just HAD to go, to see and be seen. Last year when the ex and I took the boys, it just looked run down and dirty. Must be some magic in going at night with the lights shining, rather than mid-day when you can clearly see what's going on.
After work and dinner tonight the three of us have a date with the front porch and a box of sidewalk chalk. Every day is still filled with possibility. It's just theirs now.